Award Winning Blog

Thursday, March 6, 2025

What If Moving Fast Results in Unrepairable, Broken Things Like Inner Space and Earth’s Upper Atmosphere?

             Until 2014, Facebook’s official mantra was “move fast and break things” Mark Zuckerberg coined the phrase; to emphasize the need for speedy, first mover advantages, even if such initiatives result in harmful outcomes.  Apparently, his undoubtably biased cost/benefit analysis generated a net positive outcome, presumably for Facebook and everyone else.

            Maybe not. See, e.g.,;

            The lack of guard rails, of any sort, invariably results in knowable and unknowable calamities, that individually and collectively change the value proposition, particularly for non-investors.

            Just now, scientists are determining, without doubt, that low earth orbiting satellite constellations, like Starlink, have a real, quantifiable, and harmful impact on space and earth atmosphere.  See:;;;;;

            Low earth orbiting satellites, like those operated by Starlink, are smaller and lighter than prior generations of telecommunications space craft.  However, operators must launch thousands of them to achieve global coverage.  Their close proximity to earth and constant motion, relative to earth, require frequent launches to replace failing and end of life units.

            The toxification of space and earth atmosphere occurs when launching satellites and when they fall out of orbit on a downward trajectory toward earth, typically after only five years of service.  Satellite launches release massive amounts of fumes, such as sulfuric acid, into earth’s atmosphere.  Individual satellite vaporization releases a far smaller volume of metallic vapors, particles, and aerosols, but the numbers add up in light of the number of spacecraft replacing or augmenting the constellation, as well as units no longer in service.  Each first generation Starlink satellite releases approximately 30 kilograms of material in its descent.  Second generation satellites are larger and accordingly will release a larger amount of particles.

            The composition of vaporizing satellites and other spacecraft includes aluminum oxide and trace minerals that are classified as pollutants:

Letting these satellites burn up in the atmosphere at the end of their lives helps keep the quantity of space junk to a minimum. But doing so deposits satellite ash in the middle layers of Earth’s atmosphere. This metallic ash can harm the atmosphere and potentially alter the climate. See

           It should come as no surprise that Starlink, and their sponsored researchers and opinion leaders, seek limited, if any, governmental oversight and regulation of space activities.  The Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 Chapter on the FCC, written by the newly appointed Chairman, Brendan Carr, Chapter 28, 845-859, recommends a most friendly regulatory environment, including expedited processing of satellite launch applications. The Heritage Foundation previously advocated for the elimination of environmental impact assessment of space activities.  See

            Elon Musk, has singularly advantageous opportunity to influence governmental space policy in ways that favor his ventures. In a prior blog entry, I predicted that SpaceX soon will qualify for broadband universal service subsidies worth billions.  See

            Today, I predict that at some future date, measurable, costly toxification of space and earth atmosphere will be caused by known stakeholders who succeeded in foreclosing research, harm assessment, and conservation. They probably will not even incur the cost in the determination whether and how remediation is possible.

            Thank Elon Musk for his service to our nation.